Thursday, February 11, 2010

True Story 1 - Last day at BCS class

The phone was ringing. I heard it clearly even though I was half asleep. I opened my eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. My phone was ringing. I searched for it. It was not on the table. I could not see it on my bed. If it was on the table or bed, I knew that it should be emitting some light. I applied a piece of logic and discovered where I had kept it last night. I put my legs on the wall and gently pushed the bed creating a gap between the bed and the wall. Yes I was right. It was right under my bed. Last night we were talking. Usually the call ends when one of us is in sleep. The call was from her. We both were studying for BCS Examinations. We had classes on Saturdays in Colombo. She was staying at her Aunt’s place in Colombo. As she promised me, she phoned me to wake up me bit early. She wanted to avoid another week like the previous week. I had missed the first session in the previous week all because of my sleep. I had missed her for another two sessions because she was very upset and angry with me. I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Finally I managed to get ready in half an hour. I took the bus around five in the morning. Journey was too boring. When she was in Matara we both went together every weekend. We had talked a lot about the sea, the sky, people, vehicles, her friends, and about many more things. Most chatting ended after her getting angry with me. It was really a very funny time to the people seated around us. Couple of times other people had joined our chatting giving their opinions. Her aunt wanted her to stay at her place. Since one month she had been coming to the class from her aunt’s place.Fortunately I managed to enter to the class premises twenty minutes before the class time. She was at the gate to hang me on my neck if I had missed the time. We both went into the class. As usual she had brought sandwiches prepared by her aunt. I wanted to have one, and wanted her to eat other two. Finally we came to a negotiation. She ate one and half and I ate the rest. We were sitting in the last row. I preferred it because I didn’t want others to see her. Still I could remember one boy was chatting with another about her. His perception was that she is the prettiest girl in the class. Another fellow wanted to know how I found her. I told him it was a gift. The god came and gave it and asked me to protect her from wild beasts. After that he had never spoken to me. When I was sitting next to her, I felt like the whole world was at my hand, because she was my world. I knew it was her world too. I remember one Wesak poya day in our life. I wanted to make the most beautiful Wesak lantern to her. I spent a whole week to create the structure and managed to complete the lantern on the poyaday. I had to stay with them till night to light the lantern. I closed her eyes and took her to the in front of the house and opened her eyes. It was really a beautiful lantern. But when I opened her eyes, she started crying. She said nobody had given her this sort of present since her father died. She was expecting a lot of protection from me. But I’m not sure whether I was so serious on this matter.
As I promised her, we went to the beach after the classes. She managed herself not to fight with me during the day, hence the agreement. We had only a very little time. It was all getting dark. She thanked me a lot for taking her to the beach. I could not allow myself to send her alone. I too got in to the bus. After getting down she had to walk a to her aunt’s place. I decided to walk behind her. As every day she does, she looked backed and waved me when she opened the gate. She was safely landed. I took a breath and walked pass her place. I had to walk roughly three times her walk. I couldn’t simply turn back at her gate, I couldn’t walk back on the same road, I had to walk further on the road and turn to another road, walk a bit and again turn back to a road parallel to her road and walk back to the bus top.
Suddenly a car passed me and stopped covering my walk. Opened the black windscreen and a middle aged lady asked me angrily do you know her? I recognized that lady is her aunty when I saw her sitting back with full of tears in her eyes. It was the second day I saw tears on her eyes, and the last day of the BCS class.

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